In just her first term, Fani has fought to make Fulton County safer for everyone who lives, works, and visits here. She has taken on gang violence which wreaks havoc in our communities by bringing major indictments against gang leaders. She and her team have forged new relationships with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to keep Fulton families safe and bring justice to victims.
Fani has created a new and transparent process to keep the public and the police department informed of her work so they can best coordinate. She is now providing timely answers to families, the community, and police officers about how cases are being handled. She is committed to making fact-based decisions about the law while holding officers accountable where warranted.
Fani understands that prosecution is only one part of the strategy when it comes to protecting Fulton County. Her office has partnered with police, other government agencies, schools, religious leaders, and community organizations to build programs that will help those most at-risk to being caught up in the criminal justice system. She has created Fulton County’s ever first pre-indictment diversion program, which gives offenders who would benefit from a second chance the opportunity to earn one. She is partnering with community organizations to give those offenders, especially young people, the opportunity to gain life skills and the responsibility that comes from community service to have a better path forward than one marred by a criminal record.
Fani and Dr. Mike Looney, superintendent of the Fulton County Schools, have partnered to create the Reach Program to mentor Fulton students about life paths which could lead them to success or which could lead them into trouble. Every week, members of Fani’s staff - including prosecutors, investigators, legal assistants and others, are in Fulton schools working with and mentoring young people through the Reach Program.
Fani and her staff also offer summer programs for youth to help them stay out of trouble, including the Credible Messenger program, that brings adults who have been in trouble to speak with at-risk young people. She also offers a “Junior DA” program that brings middle and high school students together with law enforcement and community leaders to learn about how to stay out of trouble and get a good job.
Fani is also committed to reforming the office’s handling of cases involving the use of force by law enforcement officers. She is committed to making those decisions based on the facts and the law and holding officers accountable when the circumstances warrant it.
Fani is a proud Bison, graduating from Howard University in 1992. She came to Georgia to attend Emory University School of Law, graduating in 1996. She chose to make Fulton County her home, and she lives in the City of South Fulton, where she had the honor of serving as Chief Judge of the municipal court.
Fani has made protecting our community from gang violence a top priority. More than 70% of the violent crime we see in Fulton is related to gangs, and stopping that deadly cycle is critical. That’s why Fani has partnered with federal, state and local law enforcement to target gang leaders and those who commit violent gang crimes. Fani is also working with Fulton schools, community organizations and religious leaders to offer programs that help young people stay away from gangs. here
Fani is partnering with Fulton County schools, community organizations and religious leaders to offer innovative programs that help young people stay on track and out of the criminal justice system. Through her one-of-a-kind Reach Program, her pre-indictment diversion program and job training partnership with Building Trades Unions, Fani has created new paths for youth to find opportunities for productive, happy lives.
Fani created the office’s first Elder Abuse Unit, with specially trained prosecutors and investigators who prosecute criminals who target our seniors. They work with community and religious organizations to provide training for seniors on how to protect themselves from financial, physical and emotional abuse, and they train police officers and others on how to spot victims of elder abuse and get help.
Fani created Fulton County’s first ever pre-indictment diversion program that allows those accused of a crime to enter diversion programs without having to bear the scarlet letter of a felony indictment. She also convinced Fulton’s judges to allow people to enter drug court, veterans court and mental health court without having to first be indicted. She also created a Records Restriction Unit that helps citizens who have old arrests that they are eligible to have removed from their public to do so free of charge, which can help them get jobs and housing. Her Record Restriction Unit partners with religious and community organizations - including Ebenezer Baptist Church - to offer regular clinics for the public to have old arrests removed from their public record.
Fani created the office’s new Anti-Corruption Unit, which holds accountable those in power who break the law. The Unit is staffed by highly trained, experienced prosecutors and investigators who investigate, and if necessary, prosecute those who violate the public trust, no matter who they may be.